Temporary public policy for the resettlement of Afghan nationals in Afghanistan

Date Announced:

July 22, 2021


The Temporary Public Policy for the Resettlement of Afghan Nationals in Afghanistan recognizes the high vulnerability and elevated risk faced by individuals in Afghanistan associated with the Government of Canada, as well as their accompanying family members and certain other members of their family, as specified below. This new temporary public policy will facilitate the immigration of individuals with a significant and /or enduring relationship with the Government of Canada and their family members to Canada as members of the Convention Refugee Abroad Class of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (“the Regulations).

I hereby establish that, in light of the foregoing, there are sufficient public policy considerations to justify granting exemptions, pursuant to section 25.2 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (“the Act”), to the requirements of the provisions of the Act and Regulations listed below for Afghan nationals in Afghanistan who are or were associated with the Government of Canada, and the accompanying members of their family or household members, who apply for a permanent resident visa as members of the Convention Refugee Abroad Class and meet the conditions set out below, as well as all admissibility requirements as set out in the Act.

Departments and Agencies:

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada

Type of Administrative Action:

Immigration Category:



Afghan; exemptions to IRPA; resettlement

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