Canada extends support for those fleeing Russia’s illegal and unjustifiable invasion of Ukraine

Date Announced:

March 22, 2023

Active Period:

Extended until July 15, 2023


Today, the Honourable Sean Fraser, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, announced that the Government of Canada will extend the Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET). This means that:

Ukrainians and their family members will have until July 15, 2023, to apply overseas for a CUAET visa free of charge;
Anyone holding a CUAET visa will have until March 31, 2024, to travel to Canada under the special measures; and
CUAET holders who are already here in Canada will have until March 31, 2024, to extend or adjust their temporary status through these measures, free of charge.

Settlement services will remain available to Ukrainians and their family members after they arrive so that they can fully participate in Canadian communities while they are here. Ukrainians and their family members will also continue to benefit from the one-time transitional financial support, as well as from access to emergency accommodations for up to 2 weeks, if needed after they arrive in Canada.

Departments and Agencies:

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada

Type of Administrative Action:

Immigration Category:



CUAET visa; Ukraine

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